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OLPC based documentation
Etoys Guides
Using Smalltalk on OLPC
Etoy minute short videos
Squeak cards and other great documentation and tutorials
Create and drive your own car.
Projects and tutorials from students at Don Mills Middle School
A little more advanced tutorial.
Some basic projects.
Etoy Quickstart guide
Glossary of eToy vocabulary.
Kathleen's Squeak Notebook
Kedama tutorial for simulations of many objects
Free books to learn smalltalk
Beginning Squeak programming notes
Math Morphs
Alan Kay paper on eToys and authoring
Monticello User Manual
eToys OLPC tutorial
Squeak docs list
Good eToy programming tutorial
Connector Tutorial
This tutorial is on Croquet, but covers some basic Squeak concepts like how to create a class using the browser.
Program Cookie Monster
Cincom smalltalk tutorials
Great new tutorial for writing a game in Squeak.
Squeak by example site
Terse guide to Squeak
A guided tour through the mind of a Smalltalker
Squeak tutorials
Basic Squeak tutorial using morphic (includes Croquet)
Squeaky tales
Various links on Swiki.
Squeak in a nutshell
Introductions to Squeak
List of Squeak tutorials
Georgia Tech Browser and Squeak introduction
Squeak overview with Muppets
French video on programming bug to walk thru maze
Seaside Tutorial
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